So I've had a busy few weeks one part of that has been finally updating my folksy shop I'm very excited and have worked really hard on my items, including the lavender scented felt babushka hanging, felt phone covers and crochet necklaces and bunting which can be seen below.
If you get a chance I'd love to here some feed back on my shop; what do you think of my prices, to high/low? What items do you like or if you have any suggestions on how to improve existing items? Would you like to commission me to make something? Also I'm not to proud to except fair criticism. So please if you can email me at or add a comment under this post. Thank you in advance :-)
So it's back to the rainy, grey weather although we did have a few days of energising sun, it was beautiful. As those of you who read either my twitter account or Facebook page will know I enjoyed the heat to the full sitting in my summer house my dad made with recycled and second hand material I was able to get lots of work done well watching my pup Santa get chased by the neighbours demon cat Millie and Silky and Shiloh the tortoises eat grass. Also watching various other wildlife has been fun including a pair of confident little Robins who I've named Freddie and Frieda who like to get up close, wonder if I'll be seeing some babies soon? I've become quite attached to seeing the little birdies everyday :-) Hopefully the sun returns soon and I can see more of them, I've yet to get a picture of them both together or the pair of blue tits that keep visiting - I've become quite the bird watcher!
Santa and Millie
Silky and Shiloh
Freddie, or is it Frieda???
Cheeky selfie of me enjoying the rays