Hi! Well this is a first for me, a blog, who knew? I have always told friends internet use for me consists of checking up on people who actually seem to have a social life on Facebook, ordering a new book off Amazon and watching the latest internet video sensation on YouTube my sister shows me.....Anyway...WELCOME TO MY ESKDALE GIFTS BLOG!
Here I hope to showcase my work that I love to make and create, from beginning to end, from the idea to the hopefully satisfied customers. I'll be doing it all with a bit of nonsense chatter thrown in just for your added entertainment. Also being a tiny bit addicted to buying craft books (& craft stuff in general) I will be trying a spot of reviewing, best patterns for beginners, must makes, etc.
My names Jo, I have had this business in mind for a while, its still in its baby stages although I have been crafting for a while and to be honest this blog is a bit daunting,,,but lets see how it goes...
My products are made by me; woodwork, painting, jewellery design and especially crochet. I love it all. Girly and brightly coloured is what usually attracts me in crafts so its what I aim for in my own items.
So if you ignore my awful grammar, bad spelling and occasional long-winded, off topic sentences, I hope you will enjoy (& recommend?) what I show you :)
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