Friday, 28 June 2013

Flash back Friday

Just having a nosey through Ravelry - endless inspiration - and found this great pattern for angel bookmarks.  I'd seen it a while ago on a different website and made some for Christmas as presents, below are pictures of the two I kept, although I'd suggest using 4ply or smaller yarn and not the double knit I did for them (I was new to crochet and only had DK wool, this has defiantly now changed!)

Here is the link, give it a try as they are perfect for little thoughtful gifts to the avid book readers in your life;

Nearly forgot to mention the pattern states to start with 3chain and then DC (Treble, like me if you prefer to follow English patterns, as this is all American) into the first chain.  I personally found it better to do a magic circle, chain3 and then DC (or Tr!) into it.  See the difference between the pink and the white bookmarks below, the pink is done without the magic circle and has a bit of a whole in the head.  There are some great videos on YouTube on how to make a magic circle if you are unsure. :)

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