Monday, 1 July 2013

Feet up, it's been a busy day

Just waved bye bye to the little fella.  My day has included hair being pulled (2 days since entering the terrible 2s and he starts that!) colouring in a cardboard box house, trying and failing to make funny shaped people sandwiches, being covered in yoghurt. (pause for deep breath...) pushing Pj plus bike up and down the road endlessly, counting cars that pass our road, kicking balls over the fence, building a tent, being covered in pasta sauce, taking down tent, being covered in ice cream and more!  To say I'm exhausted is an understatement.
Anyway the shoes are off and the feet are up ready to continue with my granny stitch blanket. So far so good on the colours, but I am finding hard to decide on the next one from the many I have in stock, I'm thinking maybe orange. 

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